Computers Cyber

Useful Tools for Beginner Coders and Developers

Learning to code can have you in for one of the most exciting periods of your life, particularly if you have a bright idea you want to get off the ground and you’re all psyched-up after watching movies such as The Social Network.

If you’re a beginner, it can be quite a challenge making some headway and even just kicking things off as there seems to be so much to consider, but here are some tools which will put you well on your way and keep you on-track.


Well any jazzed-up version of your built-in notepad will do actually, but Notepad++ has become an industry standard which pretty much all developers use to hammer out some primary code. It’s available for free download as well and is great because it supports so many different programming languages, highlighting elements such as semi-colons, braces, etc. and even allowing you to set the document you’re typing in to look like one of those cool ones hackers usually use in movies.


If you’re a beginner you should definitely use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), which is basically just a nifty little piece of software which allows you to work side-by-side with the code you’re typing and a simulation of how it will run when compiled and deployed. Some popular IDE options include NetBeans and Eclipse and they’re really great because they have built-in debugger modes.

Testing Environment

Once you’ve typed up your code and it assumes the form of a complete programme or module, you’ll want a real environment on which to test it, so this could simply be your primary machine on which you typed the code or something like Wampserver which simulates a web server environment installed right on your machine. Some IDEs have built in testing environments as well, such as an engine which simulates the mobile phone environment for apps development.

Computers Cyber

The Best Programming Languages to Learn

Any list of the best programming languages to learn if you’re looking to get into the field of software development would naturally be subjective, depending on exactly which branch of software development you want to get into, but we’ll explore some of those languages which offer you the most flexibility as a programmer or developer. Thankfully, there are plenty of platforms online that will help you find courses that teach you a wide range of languages and invaluable programming skills. Read the Udemy review (find it here – to learn why this platform is a popular choice amongst those learning to code for the first time, amongst a wealth of other learning topics that professionals are studying to develop their careers. However, when learning code, the subject matter is not always straightforward. This can be confusing, particularly for beginners, so you could opt for using companies like, which can give you professional advice on the problem you need solving, like mistakes in your code.

  1. HTML, CSS & JavaScript with the LAMP Software Bundle

There’s no denying it — the web has taken over in a huge way as far as software goes, with technologies such as cloud computing even making provision for entire programmes which were once operated only on machines to run online, “in the cloud” so to say. It’s really just remotely operated software though, which still needs to be primarily stored and launched from some or other machine. But yeah, if you’re going to start learning how to code, the web is a good space to target and you’d do this by learning HTML along with CSS and Javascript (for basic website functionality). You’d perhaps then introduce the LAMP software bundle (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) to learn how to make your websites interact with a database for what are essentially web applications instead of just static websites (made a little more dynamic with JavaScript).

  1. Java

Java is great because if you start with it and you use it to learn the basic principles of programming, you can quite easily learn how to programme in just about any other language with a focus on creating applications. For example, if you learn the fundamental Character array to string conversion in Java, you can learn that and more in other object-oriented languages easily. This could benefit you greatly, especially if you are thinking about having a career in computer programming. To get there, many students decide to enroll on a Java Programming course that requires them to complete and pass particular assignments, but luckily with the help of somewhere like, the chances of you receiving a good grade is significantly increased. Therefore, this will allow you to take Java programming to a whole new level. Java’s true greatness however resides in its universal capabilities, in that just about any consumer-level device you use operates on Java. From your decoder to some of the functionality of your typical mobile phone, Java offers developers the type of versatility that liberates the opportunities they have to really grow their careers.