
The Future of Tech Jobs

There’s no denying that if you’re entering the job market then a career in technology is one that will most likely be long-lasting, fulfilling, and in constant demand.

We live in a very tech-centric world. We spend our lives on smartphones, on computers, laptops, games consoles etc and all these things require millions and millions of people to develop, maintain and create. Anyone can be one of those millions – even you!

I think it’s pretty safe to say that the future of tech jobs is looking bright, sure there’s a lot of competition, but there are also a lot of opportunities and a lot of chances to learn and develop.

The future is being created as we speak, as you read these words. There are more and more start-ups being created every day and if you have a marketable skill such as coding, support, design, or development, or have hands-on knowledge about the latest advancements like crypto and blockchain, among other things, then anyone of these start-ups could be looking for you. And you could land the best jobs available in the market.

There is such a push to teach young people these sorts of skills in school. IT lessons are no longer based on PowerPoint presentations and learning Excel functions, instead, kids are taught the basics of code and graphic design. coding especially is proving to be a real fruitful career. If you can code, you can do anything. You can create apps, websites, animation, literally anything computer or technology-based.

Of course, there is the other side of the coin. Living in such a futuristic world has led to the rise of automation and AI. There are now robots that can double the speed of manual factory work, and apps like Uber and Deliveroo have abolished the need for some entry-level jobs. So while the future is bright for people with technology skills, the case for robots taking the jobs of perhaps less skilled people is something that we’re going to have to face very soon. We even have self-driving cars! The Disney film Wall-E is becoming more and more realistic in its prediction of the future.

even with the concept of automation in mind, there will always be a market for low-skilled workers. It will always be preferable to speak to a person for customer service issues or to just see a friendly face when interacting with a business.

But, I digress, the point is, there will always be jobs in technology, from expert it support for complex programs to researching new digital solutions. You just need to harvest and learn the skills to take full advantage of this rapidly expanding and the essential job market. Soon enough, there will be an abundance of jobs for automated car support, and wearable tech support as well as the already established careers of web development, coding, data analyzing, software engineering, game development, and app developer.

Even seemingly simple jobs like IT support or administrator will always have a place in the world. All big businesses need someone to help keep their digital network up and running, that is why they turn to IT services in Denver as well as other places so they can get the help that they need.

So look into your local college or university’s programs. Filling in a simple form can help you to make a step in the right direction and change your future to become a leader in the tech industry.

Cyber Jobs

Tester Jobs for Lazy Tech Heads

The gaming industry is still an extremely huge one, only showing signs of growing bigger and bigger with the further development of some seriously graphically rich games, some of which consume RAM to the tune of watching a real video. For lazy tech heads who effectively want to earn some good money for effectively just playing games and the like, the gaming industry and others offer some great testing opportunities.

Game Tester

It can be a lot of fun getting paid to test games, but it’s not all fun and games. You will have to report any bugs you come across, report back on the difficultly levels of each designated stage and sub-stage, and you’ll basically just be playing from the point of view of the developers and not purely from the point of view of a leisure gamer. Some good money can be made as a game tester however, particularly if you manage to garner some good experience.

Website Tester

Normally you’d need to join a focus group of some sort for this sort of thing, but website quality controllers look for a variety of different types of users to test websites for their clients, so even if you are a tech-head there’s a special place for you as a website tester.

Gadget Testing

This is normally a job which you have to carve out yourself instead of applying for it somewhere as gadget testing isn’t really a formalised industry. The sort of tech heads who usually double up as gadgets testers often have their own tech blogs on which they discuss, test and review all the latest gadgets, setting up the perfect platform to not only go on to get requests to test new gizmos released by developers, but also to keep those gadgets which are given to them to test.

Computers Cyber Gaming Jobs Phones

Tech Skills You Can Use to Earn a Passive Income

There’s no doubt about the fact that a lot of current skills in the tech sector don’t really explicitly require one to go through college to acquire them. You can learn just about any tech skill online and become really competent at it once you’ve gone through even a free tutorial, including graphic designing and even programming. How does one use these and other skills to earn a passive income though, especially since job openings for these skills pretty much still require one to be qualified in addition to demonstrating their skill and ability through experience?

Stock Images Sales for Graphics Designers & Photographers

There are some great stock image platforms over which graphics designers and photographers can sell their images and graphics. The likes of iStockPhoto comes to mind as a great example, where you can upload one photo or graphic which will effectively pay you over and over again with every download. So you don’t have to go out looking for a photography or graphic design job.

Boxed Web Application Solutions Sales for Developers

Something like a web application that takes the form of an E-Commerce Website could perhaps be sold over and over again as well if you take the time to develop one as a web applications developer. You can either license its sale as is or even use the platform yourself to sell products online. But selling or using it for personal benefit alone will not help you to scale the business. You also need to think about the web application delivery that consists of load balancing, security controls and traffic management in data centres and cloud environments. In order to learn more about web application delivery, you can look into the websites of firms like Radware.

E-Books and Physical Book Sales for Writers

Programs such as Amazon’s Self-Publishing platform have empowered writers like never before. If you’ve ever wanted to write a book then there’s no longer any need to write letters and send the first three chapters to traditional publishing houses. You can either choose to self-publish in the form of perfectly bound books (learn this here now) or try uploading it as an e-book. Your book can be uploaded and listed for sale as an e-book (you get paid a portion of the sales fee per download) or it can be printed and delivered in physical paperback format when ordered by readers who prefer the feel of a real book in their hands.

Using technology skills to generate passive income may be the future. Nothing can stop you from accepting a cash flow while promoting passive income projects using your technology skills. With these tips, hopefully, you can also start a lucrative passive income business of your own.